Eley Match 1023-03370 @1067


ELEY match is renowned amongst elite competition shooters for its excellent accuracy and performance.

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ELEY match is renowned amongst elite competition shooters for its excellent accuracy and performance.

ELEY match is second in the world of .22LR accuracy and performance with ELEY tenex being the world number one. This cartridge benefits from the patented flat nose profile and the cut mouth case delivering consistent internal ballistics performance.

Each cartridge is checked by a suite of analytical processes including computer controlled visual inspection and finely calibrated measuring equipment, all overseen by our extremely precise and meticulous engineers.


key features

  • Patented flat nose technology
  • Cut case for consistent ballistic performance
  • Excellent competition round

designed for

  • Professional and elite shooters

used for

  • 50m Prone
  • 50m 3 Positions
  • 50m Free Pistol
  • Benchrest


  • .22LR Match Rifle
  • .22LR Free Pistol

bullet profile

Flat nose

cartridge length

25.4mm / 1inch

bullet weight

2.59grams / 40grains


Muzzle : 331m/s (1085ft/s)

50m (55yds) : 303m/s (994ft/s)

91m (100yds) : 285m/s (935ft/s)


Muzzle = 14.5 (Kg.m) / 104.9 (ft.lb)

50m / 55yds = 12.1 (Kg.m) / 87.5 (ft.lb)

91m / 100yds = 10.7 (Kg.m) / 77.4 (ft.lb)



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Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs

Box, Case